Manitoba Crop Yields Exceptional Considering Dry Conditions

Farmscape for September 11, 2018

Manitoba Agriculture reports, considering this year's dry weather conditions, crop yields have been much better than had been expected.
Manitoba Agriculture's weekly crop report, released yesterday, indicates the majority of this year's harvest in many regions is now almost complete.
Anastasia Kubinec, the Manager of Crop Industry Development with Manitoba Agriculture, says the southwest is 70 percent complete, the northwest 55 percent complete, the central region 75 percent complete and the eastern region and Interlake are both 66 percent complete.

Clip-Anastasia Kubinec-Manitoba Agriculture:
For yield results cereals continue to have average to above average yields with excellent quality, high protein in spring wheats and good test weights and very low fusarium damage.
Canola yields throughout the province continue to be average and in some areas where they received adequate rainfall above average with good quality even though small seed has been noted and there has been concerns of very dry seed and producers having to combine earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon to make sure that the humidity had increased and the seed moisture had increased.
Flax yields are looking to be average to above average from the early reports.
Soybeans are looking to be average if not slightly below average for yield from the early reports.
For the other crops such as sunflowers and corn, they are getting to be mature and just starting to dry down.
Some desiccation is occurring in sunflower crops and corn is getting to the dent stage and some very early fields were combined for grain corn but the yields were not great.
Those were areas that was very dry conditions, not a lot of rainfall, very light soils so they were expected to be lower than normal.

Kubinec says, given the soil moisture recorded over the season crops did exceptionally well and producers were pleasantly surprised, especially in cereal crops.
For Farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork